Fratello On Air: Talking About Watch Bracelets
Welcome to another episode of Fratello On Air. This week, we discuss watch bracelets and cover a wide range of subtopics about these important devices that fasten watches to our wrists. It’s another listener suggestion, and we hope you enjoy the show! For our listeners, the watch content begins after approximately 20 minutes.
Watch bracelets are always the subject of heavy criticism. When a company decides to offer one with a watch, it can come under fire for the smallest reasons. Great bracelets are rare, but they do exist. Today, we discuss many aspects of these curious little accessories.
We engage in serious banter about — you guessed it (or didn’t) — recycling. Europe is a wild place when it comes to sorting one’s consumables, and the rules differ everywhere! Sneaker talk returns to a small degree with Balazs’s lady shoes. Finally, for the Handgelenkskontrolle, Mike is sporting a vintage Tavannes tank. It’s a funky piece from Japan made of gold and stainless steel. Balazs is wearing his vintage Doxa 300T Sharkhunter while in Hungary.
Watch bracelets
Next, we’re on to our main topic — watch bracelets. Our listener GP sent an email asking if we would cover different types of watch bracelets, which we liked best, and the constructions that gave us the least amount of confidence. I’m not sure if we covered the question completely, but we discussed the different types of links and how they’re fastened together. We then touch upon vintage versus new. Finally, we cover some of our favorite bracelets. You’ll hear names like the Doxa Expandro, Gay Frères, and more. We hope you enjoy this episode because it’s another one that delves into the details. Feel free to list your favorite bracelets in the comments below.
Thanks for the topic, GP! If you have suggestions for future show ideas, please let us know.